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Revista Sexología y Sociedad. 2013; Vol. 19, No. 1
ISSN 1682-0045
Versión electrónica


Letter of the Director

MsC. Mariela Castro Espín

Rights, dignity and health for all

Every thirty seconds, a young person is infected with HIV; every day, almost one million persons are infected with a sexually transmitted infection.  Every day, 800 women die due to causes associated with pregnancy and delivery; more adolescent girls die due to pregnancy-related complications than other causes; more than 60 million girls marry before reaching 18 years of age; more than 200 million women living in developing countries want to prevent pregnancy, but have no access to an effective contraceptive methods; seven out of ten women are victims of domestic violence at international level; and even, one every four women is subjected to abuses during pregnancy. These evident figures derived from social inequalities demanding a prompt and conclusive action by the world society. As it is well known, these problems have proven solutions.

In September 2012, as an initiative launched by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), a High Level Task Force (HLTF) was created for the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). This group was made up by 25 prestigious personalities from different countries and regions who participate, in their personal capacities, and display a record of service as Heads of State, Ministers, Parliamentarians, leaders from the civil society and philanthropists, who have been awarded international recognition and who are committed with the promotion of human rights, equality, dignity and justice at global level in the 21st century.

Since its inception, the HLTF for the ICPD is working with a more audacious and strategic vision in setting priorities for action towards the year 2015 and beyond. It attempts and proposes to inspire and convince policy-makers to strengthen their commitment to ensure the protection of fundamental rights and access to information and services by millions of women, youngsters and men across the world. Likewise, it works in favor of rational public policies, funds and mechanisms to make international community and governments accountable for complying with promises made in previous agreements.

Cuba has been identified as one of the main countries implementing this agenda. The Millennium Development Goals (MDG), achieved by our country, constitute an example of permanent commitment with the Cairo Agenda. Cuba, together with the High Level Task Force for the ICPD, is working for a world in which every woman, man and youngster can have equal opportunities, liberties and options to forge their own aspirations in life and their destinies.

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